The Joyful Life: A Wellness Boutique

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Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by The Joyful Life: A Wellness Boutique and were last updated on 3/12/24.

Vaccination policies

I am vaccinated. This is preferred for my clients, but not mandatory. If you are unvaccinated, please either comr in wearing or ask for a mask and one will be provided.

Mask-wearing policies

Mask is not mandatory, but preferred for unvaccinated clients. If you need one, please ask, and one eill be provided.

Social distancing measures

6 ft is not possible for many of my private wellness sessions nor is it really possible for my arts and crafts workshops. If you have issues with close proximity, I encourage you to request a private workshop. This can be purchased at a higher rate. Please just ask.

Ventilation system

FYI: The entire suite is 1650 sq ft and there is plenty of air space, but I don't have a seperate ventilation system.


Sun, Jun 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day

The Joyful Life: A Wellness Boutique Reviews

11 ratings
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How to prepare




How to get there