Body Balance Massage & Skincare Spa

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Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Body Balance Massage & Skincare Spa and were last updated on 5/13/24.

Mask-wearing policies

Mask wearing at the spa is optional for visitors and staff. However, staff members can wear masks upon the visitor's request.

Social distancing measures

Waiting area seating is spaced out to provide social distancing, floor markings in place when checking in and out.

Ventilation system

HEPA air purifiers are installed in our reception area and all treatment rooms.

Extra sanitation

Our hospital grade disinfectant for spas are more powerful than traditional solutions and are approved for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Treatment rooms are sanitized before every service. Common areas and touch points are also disinfected regularly.


Sun, Jun 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day

Body Balance Massage & Skincare Spa Reviews

500+ ratings
Not yet reviewed.

How to prepare


Hispanic/ Latinx-owned

How to get there