Barre East Fitness Studio

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Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Barre East Fitness Studio and were last updated on 8/10/20.

Mask-wearing policies

Masks are optional for your workout. However they must be worn upon entering the studio and until you get to your station and then when exiting.

Social distancing measures

Stations are marked on the floor. 1 - 5. Everyone is safely 8 feet apart. We will have all your equipment set out for the class.

Extra sanitation

All equipment and high traffic areas will be deep cleaned after each class.

Limited capacity

Currently we are allowing 5 clients in the studio10 clients when attending our outdoor classes.

Featured in top classes for


Sun, Jun 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day

Barre East Fitness Studio Reviews

500+ ratings
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How to prepare

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