Fine Feather Wellness

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Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Fine Feather Wellness and were last updated on 5/27/23.

Ventilation system

Our Studio is a bright and airy space with natural sunlight flooding throughout the day. Windows are kept open for fresh air.

Extra sanitation

All equipment and high touch areas are cleaned and disinfected after every class

Contactless check-in

Studio door is locked during classes, if you are late for your class, we kindly ask not interrupt the class once the studio door is locked.

Equipment policies

We recommend that you bring your own yoga mat for added comfort, Spare mats are available in the studio if you do not have one.


Sat, Jun 1
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day

Fine Feather Wellness Reviews

38 ratings
Not yet reviewed.

How to prepare

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